EXCLUSIVE Interview with Grimes: AI, Innovation, and the Future of Music

Frank Nanninga: Welcome to a special episode of Beyond The Screen. I'm your host, Frank Nanninga, and today we have an extraordinary guest joining us. She's a Canadian artist known for pushing the boundaries of technology and music. The renowned experimental musician Grimes is here to discuss her groundbreaking project, Elf.Tech, which is set to revolutionize the music industry. Let's dive into this fascinating world of AI-generated music and explore the possibilities it presents.

Frank Nanninga: Welcome, Grimes. We're thrilled to have you here today. Could you start by telling us about your Elf.Tech project and how the idea came about?

Grimes: Thank you for having me, Frank. Elf.Tech is a platform I created to encourage collaboration and experimentation with my vocals using AI technology. I've always been fascinated by the potential of AI in music, and I wanted to provide a space where creators can play with my voice, create new songs, and even make some money from their creations.

Frank Nanninga: That sounds incredible. Now, we understand that your project is still in beta, but you're encouraging fans to dive in and start experimenting. What can they expect when they visit Elf.Tech โ€จโ€จGrimes: That's right, it's still in beta, but we're excited to see what people come up with. When creators visit Elf.Tech, they'll find a range of pre-recorded acapellas of mine that they can use in their projects. They also have the option to create and upload their own. We plan to add more stems over time and offer a unique opportunity for artists to take advantage of my IP in their work.

Frank Nanninga: It's quite generous of you to share your work this way. Could you explain the process of distribution and the financial splits involved for those who participate?

Grimes: Absolutely. Elf.Tech acts as an aggregator, allowing creators to upload their songs for distribution to DSPs for an annual fee of $9.99. When it comes to the financial aspect, we ask for a 50% split on master recording royalties in exchange for a Grimes feature and distribution. If a creator uses the "GrimesAI-1 voiceprint" โ€“ the AI-generated audio based on my vocals โ€“ they must also share an equal split of the master recording royalties on streaming services, onchain marketplaces, and other DSPs.

Frank Nanninga: It's great to see that you're looking out for the creators' interests as well. What are your hopes for the future of Elf.Tech, and how do you see it evolving over time?

Grimes: My hope is that Elf.Tech becomes a hub for creative chaos and collaboration. I want it to inspire artists to experiment with AI technology and push the boundaries of music. We'll be making consistent updates to the GrimesAI voice model, stems, and distribution service, so I expect the platform to evolve and grow based on the needs and feedback of the community. also ho pe that we can eventually help creators earn publishing revenue, but we can't guarantee that yet. Overall, I'm excited to see the unique and innovative creations that come from this project and how it shapes the future of music.

Frank Nanninga: It's truly inspiring to witness an artist like yourself embracing technology and opening up new possibilities for creators. Before we wrap up, do you have any advice or words of encouragement for those who are just starting to experiment with AI-generated music and your Elf.Tech platform?

Grimes: My advice would be to stay curious and open-minded. Don't be afraid to dive in, experiment, and make mistakes โ€“ that's where the magic happens. The world of AI-generated music is still relatively unexplored, so there are endless opportunities for creators to innovate and make their mark. Embrace the chaos, and you might just create something extraordinary.

Frank Nanninga: Thank you so much, Grimes, for joining us on this special episode of Beyond The Screen. It's been a pleasure to learn about your Elf.Tech project and the impact it could have on the music industry. To our listeners, don't forget to check out Elf.Tech and explore the world of AI-generated music for yourself. Until next time, I'm Frank Nanninga, and this has been Beyond The Screen โ€“ where we explore the cutting-edge technology that's changing our world. Stay curious, and keep pushing the boundaries. Goodbye!

EXCLUSIVE Interview with Grimes: AI, Innovation, and the Future of Music
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